Mother Earth (Tyra)

MabelGreetings to all!

I have to tell you that I have a bone to pick with you! When I decided that hsing was best for me and mine, I just knew that I would find the best curriculum and me and my children would be on our merry way to learning and being shining stars in the community. And then I found John Holt and you unschoolers and now I am SO addicted to unschooling that I am acting like the unschooling spokesperson on all the hsing lists that I am on. EVERYDAY I find myself preaching about the necessity to stop teaching children and allowing them the freedom to learn in their own way.

So the bone I have to pick with you is, WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME THAT UNSCHOOLING IS ADDICTIVE! I feel so blessed to have embraced this style of learning because it is so much more fun! I feel so blessed to have found communities of unschoolers who KNOW that it works and encourage others to follow their own unschooling path with their children.

Okay, I gotta run so I can find someone else to talk to about unschooling! LOL!

Much Love and Peace
Tyra in TN

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Yolonda Hicks

Tyra, I wish I had met someone with your enthusiasm and joy early on. We would have saved a lot of years of floundering and not really being happy with what we were doing at home.

I started homeschooling my ds (now 13-1/2) with a PreK package when he was about 3-1/2. We were doing Kindergarten when I first "ran into" unschooling. It appealed to my heart but couldn't yet make sense to my teacher-trained mind, so I started asking questions. Unfortunately, the lady I asked (considered an "expert") must have been having a really bad day or something, because she seemed to take my seriously searching questions as some kind of attack and absolutely blasted me. My dh's reaction to that was, "If they can only get nasty and attack instead of explaining how it works, then there must not be anything to it. Look for another way." So, we've spent the last 10 years doing some version of "school-at-home", experimenting with different philosophies, but none of them really fit us.

We have become more and more relaxed over the last several years, mostly forced by circumstances, but it has been working. We've also finally met a few local unschool families this last year, and even dh saw that it WAS working, so we've started asking questions again and researching (LOT more info available now). I'm currently reading Grace Llewellyn and Amy Silver's Guerilla Learning, but I've got a stack waiting including John Holt's Teach Your Own, Mary Griffith's the unschooling handbook, Alison McKee's From Homeschool to College and Work, and Cafi Cohen's "And What About College?" and Homeschoolers' College Admissions Handbook. As you can probably tell from the list, our most serious concern at this point is making sure that ds is able to get into his choice of college and get the financial aid he will need (he already knows what he wants to do). I also have a 7yod, but she seems to thrive no matter what we do, as long as she can talk, sing, and have someone nearby to
interact with (and switching completely to unschooling would also give me more time to help her learn the sewing and piano she's been asking me for).

I was referred to this list by one of the unschool families I mentioned earlier as it being gentler with "newbies" than some of the others, so I'm hoping to learn from what all of you have to share. I'm sorry this intro has been so long, but I've been lurking for about a week and couldn't figure out a shorter way to really give you the picture of who and where we are.


P.S. Almost forgot--we live in Indiana.

"Mother Earth (Tyra)" <motherspirit@...> wrote:
MabelGreetings to all!

I have to tell you that I have a bone to pick with you! When I decided that hsing was best for me and mine, I just knew that I would find the best curriculum and me and my children would be on our merry way to learning and being shining stars in the community. And then I found John Holt and you unschoolers and now I am SO addicted to unschooling that I am acting like the unschooling spokesperson on all the hsing lists that I am on. EVERYDAY I find myself preaching about the necessity to stop teaching children and allowing them the freedom to learn in their own way.

So the bone I have to pick with you is, WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME THAT UNSCHOOLING IS ADDICTIVE! I feel so blessed to have embraced this style of learning because it is so much more fun! I feel so blessed to have found communities of unschoolers who KNOW that it works and encourage others to follow their own unschooling path with their children.

Okay, I gotta run so I can find someone else to talk to about unschooling! LOL!

Much Love and Peace
Tyra in TN

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Mother Earth (Tyra)

I say THANK GOD for the internet! I am very uncommon in the groups here in Rutherford County, TN! So without you wonderful people, I would be floundering now, too!

Welcome to unschooling and to this list. You are right, this list is WAY more gentler than other unschooling lists that I am on. Unschoolers seem to be very passionate about their cause and do not hold back from telling you what they think. I was having issues with my son watching mega TV. I don't think children should watch TV all day. A few of the unschoolers on the other lists said to not limit his TV watching. "He is FIVE!" I thought to myself but I thought that I would give it a try. They said that if I did not limit him that he would eventually get to a place where he would know that he could watch it at any time and would not fixate on it. Plus, he can learn from any show. It took me a few months before I tried this but when I did, it turned out exactly like they said it would. But there were a few who were rough on me. I have thick skin, though and am willing to try things when I can see the logic. But I have always felt welcomed here and receive warm responses. It is the only group that I belong to that I know I am talking to African Americans who are walking a similar path as me. You will learn alot and don't be afraid to ask for assistance.

----- Original Message -----
From: Yolonda Hicks
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: [unschoolingbasics] You unschoolers....... AND Introducing Myself

Tyra, I wish I had met someone with your enthusiasm and joy early on. We would have saved a lot of years of floundering and not really being happy with what we were doing at home.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


The internet is a lifesaver! Thanks for your reply the other day,
It's very encouraging to know others who are struggling with
that come to this list to cheer each other on. Love the African
American culture. I'm not African American but I have often enjoyed
meeting with and talking to people whose world can be so vibrant.
Nothing like it. Good to meet once again, Tyra.

Yolanda, thanks for writing more of your story. I've met few
unschoolers in real life. Sounds like you've met quite a few and your
first contact was less than helpful. It's good to know how it went
because as strongly as I feel about unschooling, the last thing I want
to do is make myself a hindrance for others by being overwhelming or


Mother Earth (Tyra) wrote:
> I say THANK GOD for the internet! I am very uncommon in the groups
> here in Rutherford County, TN! So without you wonderful people, I
> would be floundering now, too!
> Welcome to unschooling and to this list. You are right, this list is
> WAY more gentler than other unschooling lists that I am on.
> Unschoolers seem to be very passionate about their cause and do not
> hold back from telling you what they think. I was having issues with
> my son watching mega TV. I don't think children should watch TV all
> day. A few of the unschoolers on the other lists said to not limit
> his TV watching. "He is FIVE!" I thought to myself but I thought
> that I would give it a try. They said that if I did not limit him
> that he would eventually get to a place where he would know that he
> could watch it at any time and would not fixate on it. Plus, he can
> learn from any show. It took me a few months before I tried this but
> when I did, it turned out exactly like they said it would. But
> there were a few who were rough on me. I have thick skin, though and
> am willing to try things when I can see the logic. But I have always
> felt welcomed here and receive warm responses. It is the only group
> that I belong to that I know I am talking to African Americans who
> are walking a similar path as me. You will learn alot and don't be
> afraid to ask for assistance.
> Peace Tyra -----

Original Message -----

From: Yolonda Hicks
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: [unschoolingbasics] You unschoolers....... AND Introducing

> Tyra, I wish I had met someone with your enthusiasm and joy early on.
> We would have saved a lot of years of floundering and not really
> being happy with what we were doing at home.

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