Ren Allen

We also like "Set" since just about any age can play it. I bought "5
Crowns" last year, but we haven't pulled that one out yet.

This new game store we discovered, has a really intense strategy
game based on WW11, called "Memoir 44". Jared was at a friend's
house this week and apparently they both loved it. It looked a bit
complicated to me, but if you have any gamers that like fantasy or
war game type stuff, they might love it.
He also asked me to buy "heroscape", which has a 3-dimensional
playing board and cool fantasy pieces to go with it.

I was also told at that store, that many girls (and some guys) are
really hooked on this game called "Killer Bunnies". Too
funny...reminds me of Monty Python's "The Holy Grail". So we've got
some new ones to try.

Brandie also recommended the Sudoku (sp?) games...we haven't really
checked it out yet. Sounds like something my dh would love, he's so
dang good at brain teasers and puzzles.



Oh! I forgot to mention scrabble the first time, which is definitely
a favorite at our house. Sometimes it is difficult to play with young
kids because their vocabularies are not as large as an adult's, but
my dd doesn't seem to care. For example, I would generally *go easy*
on a young child in a game so that we could both enjoy ourselves, but
with scrabble my dd really LIKES to see the "advanced" or otherwise
cool moves. So I just play like I would with anyone else and neither
of us cares about the scorecard.

We also like Quiddler, which has elements in common with scrabble in
that you make words out of a group of letters, only it is a card
rather than board game.

Other fun ones include Connect 4 and Equate (like scrabble only with
math equations). Sometimes I play variations of Nim with my daughter
which is sort of a mathy/logic game, but we can only play because she
hasn't yet realized that you are guaranteed to win if you go first
(and use the right strategy). So she always goes first. :) She likes
the Sudoku puzzles as well, but I'm not really a fan of them.
