
Did you know that kids who TRULY have an issue with ADHD (I know this
could be a whole 'nother conversation) are told to drink coffee? My
brother, who is actually fetal alcolhol (adopted) and ADHD is a side
effect, I guess, was originally prescribed coffee or coke every
morning, as the caffeine has the opposite reaction for him, it
actually calms him down. Just a little tidbit.

I agree with some of the posts though, coffee is no worse for a kid
than soda (as far as caffeine goes), and coffee actually has some
health benefits. I have drank coffee since I was a young teenager and
I am a really healthy person, rarely get sick so I



--- In [email protected], "frozenandcold"
<fivefreebirds@m...> wrote:
> Did you know that kids who TRULY have an issue with ADHD (I know
> could be a whole 'nother conversation) are told to drink coffee? My
> brother, who is actually fetal alcolhol (adopted) and ADHD is a side
> effect, I guess, was originally prescribed coffee or coke every
> morning, as the caffeine has the opposite reaction for him, it
> actually calms him down. Just a little tidbit.
Caffeine and Ritalin are both stimulants which is why back a bunch of
years before Ritalin became a big name item they might have suggested
caffeinated beverages. I know that for me, there's a fine balance
between 'a nice cuppa' and jitters and sleepy - yup sleepy - one cup
is good, two cups is sleepy, three cups is edgy - whether it's coffee
or soda or tea. At most festive gatherings, I'll have a small
caffeinated item early on then switch to something like ginger ale or
Sprite or root beer (except Barq's which adds caffeine for the 'bite')
(major preference given to raspberry ginger ale). Mostly what I do at
work is mocha - instant cocoa, a splash of cream, and fill with coffee
(decaf, hazelnut, whatever is fresh in the kitchen here) instead of
hot water. Yummy!
