Ren Allen

I've posted the conference version, but could NOT find the original
of this "test" I've used at various talks.

Finally found it last night...the joys of moving eh?

1) List all the ways you've earned an income in your life:
(include side jobs and career paths)

2) List some hobbies you pursue in your leisure time:

3)What are driving passions and interests that make life meaningful
and fulfilling for you?

4)List ALL the interests you would like to pursue or learn about
before you die?

5)What would you be doing right now if there were NO obstacles in
your path? (dream big)

After the participants fill this out, I have them tally up all the
items listed. THEN, have them go back through the list and tally up
how many of those items they got proficient at, by attending school,
or COULD have gotten proficient at by attending school (through 12th
grade, not counting college or any post high-school since that isn't

You'll get a variety of answers, but it does get people thinking
about how meaningful the learning is that happens outside of school.

Some other questions I added, but only did verbally;

How many of you have one or more degrees?
Of the people that have degrees, how many of you are actually using
that degree in your work today?
If you are using your degree today, do you really LOVE your work?Are
you passionate about what you do?

This might be a good "quiz" for those reluctant partners. If they're
willing to play around with it, it could get them thinking about the
ways that humans really learn in a meaningful way.



Thanks Ren! I was one of the ones looking for input in Oct as I was
speaking at my first homeschool info night with the local group I
joined (we only had one couple, but I got to meet some other members
of the group, we had good conversations!)