Ren Allen

"Something Orion has been doing for awhile is making her Barbies
embrace and kiss, just like the prince & princesses from her Disney
movies. I have hoped this is normal, and have chosen to say little
about it. It makes dh very uncomfortable.

We rented an Arthur video with an episode about baseball, since
just started t-ball. She must have watched (studied) that movie 20
times. I did not sit and watch the entire thing with her, but heard
enough to recognize some of DW's negative phrases coming out of
Orion's mouth the following week. "No one likes me," "No one
me anymore," and "That's not fair." She was repeating so often
have had to address it, almost to no avail."

I'm reading this wondering where the problem is???:)
It all sounds so normal to me, really. I don't see why that would
make anyone
uncomfortable. I remember playing with barbie's just like that, only
much more
intimate. This is very normal for children.
They act out things they don't understand, try on behaviors just
like clothing.
It's all part of learning. It's HEALTHY....sounds like she's a
really bright
child that is absorbing and trying to make sense of the world around
