
Ok so I need to write a letter to the Superintendant about my intent to
pull Jio out of school and unschool (HS'ing for them)him. But what do I
write? Just that ..or does someone have a sample of what I should
write? I'd really appreciate it..I want to send it out tommorrow.
Thanx !


[email protected]

>>Ok so I need to write a letter to the Superintendant about my intent to
pull Jio out of school and unschool (HS'ing for them)him. But what do I

Dear _____________,

This is to inform you that my son Jio __________ will not be returning to __________ Public School effective immediately. We will be homeschooling for at least the remainder of the 2005-2006 school year and most likely beyond.

Thank you for making note of this change.



"The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the
green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly


> Ok so I need to write a letter to the Superintendant about my intent
to pull Jio out of school and unschool (HS'ing for them)him. But what
do I write? Just that ..or does someone have a sample of what I should
> write? I'd really appreciate it..I want to send it out tommorrow.>>

What state are you in? You need to know what your state requires you
to submit. Some it's a simple letter saying you're homeschooling,
others (like mine, MA) it's more complicated. Do you know anyone in
your town who's homeschooling? Check here for support groups by


You should find out first what's required. You could call the town
and just ask what they require (don't say it's you if you don't want, I
did that with mine! I said my sister-in-law or a friend, I forget,
may move here from another state and they homeschool and asked if I'd
find out what's required for my town).

Post what state you're in and maybe someone here can help!

[email protected]

I found a sample letter somewhere online. This is what I used and sent out
this morning certified,return receipt.

Rachael Clarke

(our address)

Dear (superintendant):

As a courtesy, I am sending this letter to inform you that my son, Jiovanni
Clarke, who attends Roosevelt School in the 4th grade, will be homeschooled,
starting 10/17/05, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:38-25.
If you have any questions, please send them in writing to the above address.
Rachael Clarke


( Principal's name)

Thanx for the sample letter:)


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[email protected]

We live in NJ, which by what I read is very simple-just need to send a
letter of intent which I is what I sent out yesterday. I think I found a sample on
nhen.org. Thanx Jann


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