
I'm a new member and watned to introduce myself. I'm Michele, I
have three girls (Kiah - 5, Lianna - 3 and Alisha - 1). We had
originally planned to send Kiah to a Christian school for Kinder.
but had been leaning towards homeschool and decided to go for it.
We just got started last week.

I actually bought a whole curriculium and have since realized what a
mistake that was. Math and reading books are way too easy for
her... science and history books are IMHO for an 8 year old, not a 5
yo so she's bored with those and confused at the concepts.

I have been reading a lot about unschooling and am intrigued by the
concept. I would love to know (besides this list) what other
resources I can access to learn more and see if it is for us. I
know we will be more relaxed homeschoolers but not sure if
unschooling is the way we want to go.

Any advice, tips or suggestions are much appreciated.
