Ren Allen

Something I do for public talks, is a quiz. I'll see if I can't find a
copy of it in my conference notes, I'll post it verbatim if I have it
with me.
Basically, the quiz asks people to list their interests, hobbies, what
they do to earn money etc.... In the right hand column they make a
mark for each of those topics they learned to be capable at while in
The average is 1-3 out of 13-25.
And once we hone in on what those learned in school are, they realize
it would have been an easy thing to learn outside of school. It
loosens people up and makes them realize how schooling hasn't
contributed much at ALL to their learning.



> Something I do for public talks, is a quiz. I'll see if I can't find a
copy of it in my conference notes, I'll post it verbatim if I have it
with me.
Basically, the quiz asks people to list their interests, hobbies, what
they do to earn money etc.... In the right hand column they make a
mark for each of those topics they learned to be capable at while in
school. The average is 1-3 out of 13-25. And once we hone in on what
those learned in school are, they realize it would have been an easy
thing to learn outside of school. It loosens people up and makes them
realize how schooling hasn't contributed much at ALL to their

Thanks Ren, that sounds like a great tool (and nice to hear from you at
the conference...I'm try to not be depressed!). If you happen to have
it with you that would be great. The info night isn't until next Thur