Ren Allen

"Kids need to be kids! They need to play and explore."

You just summed it up right here. Just read this over and over and
over again, and chant to yourself "THIS is how children learn!" until
you accept it deep within your being.:)

Read the recent archives, we've had some REALLy good posts about why
unschooling makes sense and schooling just shuts down real learning.
Read our "links" section too...I have all sorts of things tucked away
there, from essays to sites and more.
If you can swing it, attend the live and learn conference next's money well spent!

The important things in life have nothing to do with anything school
related. How does one measure and quantify joy, peace and
relationships? Isn't that what a life worth living is all about? Keep
on your heart, trust your children and STOP with those
damn workbooks today. Really.
