Jen H


My name is Jen and I am new to this list. I live in the Boston area and this
is our first’official’ year unschooling with our 6 yr old son. We also have
13 month old twin daughters. I flied my letter of intent last week and have
been surprised at how much anxiety I am feeling over the whole prospect of
making this commitment. I have been reading and thinking and talking about
unschooling for so long and living an unschooling life since my son was a
baby that I ama bit bewildered at how I am feeling. It’s not that I don’t
trust in unschooling or my son, but more that I am worried about being able
to take care of my three kids (2 still so very young) and the needs of the
home and family as we move forward on this journey. I feel overwhelmed many
days with just the basic needs of the family and I have to admit that when I
hear other non-unschool moms talk about the break they get when kids are in
school, I feel this twinge of wondering maybe if that would be helpful here
too. But I detest the idea of sending him to school for babysitting

How have others managed to get thru the days and meet the needs of each
family member, including yourself, especially with very little ones around?
Believe me, I am not the type who needs a perfect home, perfect cooking,
perfect klids, whatever. Just getting the basics done like a shower once in
a while and some food in the fridge and content kids would be fine with me!

Jen, in need of some BTDT from families who have made it thru the baby years
in one piece!


Another Jen here with little ones. I don't have much
to offer, except to say that whenever school parents
talk about it, it sounds like one huge PAIN and more
stress I could do without.


> I feel overwhelmed many
> days with just the basic needs of the family and I
> have to admit that when I
> hear other non-unschool moms talk about the break
> they get when kids are in
> school, I feel this twinge of wondering maybe if
> that would be helpful here
> too. But I detest the idea of sending him to school
> for babysitting
> purposes!!

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