Ren Allen

" I'm not sure
why it's needed to state that the abuser is a Christian. It seems
irrelivant what faith the *abuser* may or may not be."

Because as a strong political group, as the only faith *I* know
about that loudly proclaims their God given right to use corporal
punishment and believes God has INSTRUCTED them to hit, as a world
religion that advocates control over children, they WANT to be
recognized as separate and true Christians.

Being Christian doesn't make you a spanker, at the same time, there
is LOADS of information out there about how you are ignoring GOD if
you don't advocate the use of a rod or corporal punishment.

I have a large segment of my family that is Christian and believe
strongly in gentle parenting. Even the older generation of my
Christian believing family advocate non-spanking.

BUT, there is a very powerful body of Christians that speak out
loudly and strongly encouraging parents to maintain "control" and
keep parenting in their toolbox. It's pretty yucky stuff.

As a lifelong Christian until a few years ago, as a member of a
religious group that quietly advocated spanking, as someone that has
extensively studied the Bible, the history of Christianity and other
religions, I can emphatically state that Christians have one of the
worst track records in that area.
It's changing. I have high hopes that the younger generations will
change the face of Christianity..I hope.

If you live in an area of the world where Christians are by and
large gentle, tolerant folks, just read here for an eye opener. I
live in the South btw, and there is more of the rabid type down here.

Yeah, folks spank in every walk of life, but not every group is
encouraging it's other members to spank and hit.

Here's some food for thought:
"One evangelical leader writes:
"Scripture itself prescribes corporal discipline and cautions
parents not to abandon the use of the rod. The opinions of self-
proclaimed experts who disagree frankly amount to little. In the
end, the facts will be found to agree with the Word of God..."
"Proverbs 23:13-14: "Withold not discipline from the child, for if
you strike and punish him with the (reed-like) rod, he will not die.
Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from

First of all, discipline of children should begin at an early age,
whenever a child begins to defy the parent. Remember the old
saying, "He who spares the rod, spoils the child." Notice that the
Bible says that all children have foolishness in their hearts. The
Bible definition of a fool means one who is a rebel, so this is
saying that all children have rebellion in them and when it
surfaces, it is our duty as parents to drive it out of them. We are
to do this by punishing them with a whack on the buttocks with a
small reed-like rod. This rod could be a switch from a fruit tree
branch or a willow tree branch or a small wooden spoon. It is not to
be a large heavy rod or anything that would cause permanent physical
damage. The purpose of a spanking is not to cause any lasting
bodily harm, but to cause spiritual correction."

There's loads of this stuff out there. There are also Christians
advocating gentle parenting these days. But if you hear about a
spanking Christian, that's why.


Daniel MacIntyre

I can understand some of the confusion on what "Christians" believe.
It's amazing how much even some of the most Devout christians veer off
from the teachings of the bible.

Anyone hear about Pat Robertson's latest?

Yesterday on the Christian Broadcast Network, Robertson said the U.S.
is able to "take out" Chavez and "the time has come that we exercise
that ability." He also said Chavez threatens the U.S. with communism
and Muslim extremism.

(Amy is doing a half marathon for Team in Training
Anyone who wants to help can do so by going to: )