Ren Allen

Hi all...don't have much time, I'm on a hotel computer with my kids
going stir crazy in the background, just wanted to let you all know
we're OK.:)
It's been a sleepless two nights, watching a Cat 4 heading towards
our house, but as it turns out, it's not as bad as Ivan in the end.
We know nothing of our house yet, but hoping a neighbor will call

We're in Johnson City Tn, looking at houses since we won't be staying
in Pensacola much longer. Found some nice unschoolers up here but
haven't met them irl yet.:)

I'm trying to convince Markus that we need to stop in and say hi to
Ben and's looking like a good option right now since
Dennis might be dumping a load of rain up this way in the next few
days. Asheville is sounding nice too. Either way, I'm in no hurry to
face Pensacola right now. Scrounging for ice, food and gas sounds
really lame.;( btdt.

If our house is ok, I expect to stay here a couple more days, then
head slowly back.

Oh, and for those of you that know about the Armstrongs (many
unschoolers pitched in and helped them out last year when they lost
their home) they are still living in a trailer in their
driveway...they hooked it up and drove up to St. Louis with their
pets and are enjoying 6 flags today I believe. So they'll be fine and
I don't think Dennis can make their house any worse than it already

I think we dodged a big one this time. phew. Cross your fingers for
my house.



Everything crossed Ren. We don't get storms here like that. We are lucky.

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