Hilary Jackson

http://www.storewars.org <http://www.storewars.org/> - totally amazing....
show everyone you know! A spoof on Star Wars - watch for Chewbrocolli, Ham
Solo, Cuc (as in cucumber) Skywalker) and Darth Tater.

<http://www.themeatrix.com/> http://www.themeatrix.com/ - A spoof on the
Matrix, which I may have sent to you before. Also very good.

Both are a great way to educate about factory farming and agribusiness and
the harm that this is doing to our food and planet etc. May the force be
with you to choose and support organic.


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[email protected]

We just saw this at a friends Star Wars B-day party. We loved it and the
message behind it.


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On May 31, 2005, at 5:11 AM, Hilary Jackson wrote:


I saw this the other day. My children must have watched it at least 10
times in a row. LOL I didn't know that it was for organic foods when
I got the link, but was happily surprised when I realized that it was.
We belong to both a natural foods co-op/buying club and a local CSA
(community supported agriculture) organic farm. The co-op we do year
round, but the CSA is June-October during the growing season. I'm
excited to begin getting our weekly shares in about 2 weeks. :)


"Peace *will* enter your life, but you
need to clear a spot for her to sit down."

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