Ren Allen

"Kids forget
how to be kids. "

Or aren't allowed to act naturally, as children know how to do.
Then they come to me as adults, asking how to bring more creativity
into their lives, how to tap into that childlike way of being....and
I charge them money and they can re-learn what they really knew all
along at a creativity course!!

As much as it brings me joy to help people re-claim their creative
genius selves, it saddens me to think that it was there all along
and our society does such an amazing job of making people feel like
poor artists, "bad" in math etc....

Unschoolers are giving their children the chance to avoid all that
baggage and just BE. How beautiful.

I decided a long time ago, that if ALL my children get out of this
homeschooling thing is the ability to love learning, the ability to
really be comfortable in their own skin, then it was exactly the
lifestyle for us. I didn't care if they learned one BIT of "math" as
long as they knew they COULD learn it at any time.

Guess what? They do learn mathy stuff all the time. They don't have
labels for all their bits of learning, it's just stuff they're
interested in. They shock me constantly with knowing things I don't
know, or showing me new ways to look at things.....I suppose I
should be used to it, but my schooled mind is still amazed at how
incredible learning unfolds without a SINGLE lesson.

As to the baseball analogy, I wasn't the person that originally came
up with the example...though I probably used it at some point.:)

Was that you Pam?

Hearing how they really are "teaching" baseball in school now makes
me want to laugh and cry at the same time. What's next, bike riding?
They'll find a way to suck joy out of anything, won't they?



>>>>I decided a long time ago, that if ALL my children get out of this
homeschooling thing is the ability to love learning, the ability to
really be comfortable in their own skin, then it was exactly the
lifestyle for us. I didn't care if they learned one BIT of "math" as
long as they knew they COULD learn it at any time>>>>>

Thanks for this thought Ren, yet another way to describe what I'm
discovering about unschooling..... put into words that aren't ready
(yet) to flow out of my brain on their own.....