[email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: Robyn Coburn <dezigna@...>

<<<<<Oh heck, I probably won't make this one. : ( I'll borrow Ren's
from last year and send "flat Deb." You can slosh some wine at my
board head occasionally. >>>>>>

Oh shucks.

But how does our intrepid organizer feel about this sad development?

I've gone through three bottles of wine, a six-pack of Hershey bars,
and two pints of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food *just* to be able to answer!

I'm bummed. But I'm working on it.

I wouldn't be placing bets that she and Dylan won't be there just *yet*!


Deb Lewis

***I wouldn't be placing bets that she and Dylan won't be there just

Well... all it took last year was Kelly's sexy voice on the 'phone saying
"Y'all need to come to the conference" and there I was.
And those eyes! <sigh>

She does have her ways... <bwg>
