Ren Allen

"My strewing so far isn't making any connections."

Strewing doesn't have to involve any conversation at all though. Are
you leaving some interesting books/materials out on the table or
where he can bump into them? Are you pinning up calenders of
interesting happenings around town?
It doesn't need to be a discussion of "what are you interested in?"
as he probably doesn't know right now.

Are you finding things that interest YOU? Are you inviting him to
join you in your learning adventures and explorations? Strewing is a
mindset and sometimes it takes a while to really "get there".

He's restless, good..that means he's probably healed a lot. It's
time to find new and interesting things to do. School doesn't solve
any of that.


Kelly Ferry

> > Strewing doesn't have to involve any conversation at all though. Are
> you leaving some interesting books/materials out on the table or
> where he can bump into them? Are you pinning up calenders of
> interesting happenings around town?
> It doesn't need to be a discussion of "what are you interested in?"
> as he probably doesn't know right now.
> Are you finding things that interest YOU? Are you inviting him to
> join you in your learning adventures and explorations? Strewing is a
> mindset and sometimes it takes a while to really "get there".

Yes, mostly it's book, games, printouts of things from the net. I
don't discuss things with him generally unless he shows an interest or
desire on his own first. Like this afternoon he wanted to know when
we're getting our chickens. I showed him my garden/farm binder that
I've been working on --full of drawings, lists, and seed orders. I use
a 3 ring binder with clear plastic sleeves. One is for the McMurray
Hatchery, with our chick order and list of things to do to get ready
for our chicks next month, and then a list of things that need to done
by the time they go outside. He looked through the catalog at the
drawings of the chicks we're getting. He asked if he could get an
exotic chick, so I said we'd need to do some research to make sure the
others would get along with it, or choose a breed that would live
harmoniously with the layers. I mentioned that the 4-H small animals
group will be starting their projects this month, so he asked if he
could go and start the chicken project.

I'm finally in a place (location ,and in life) where I am ready to
focus on manifesting the life that feels most true to me, which is
starting a market garden business. He's somewhat interested in
learning with me, but I don't intend to force him to participate. He's
wanting to earn money so he can buy a laptop. He has a computer that
we bought, but we can't afford a laptop at this time. We can afford to
hire him to help with some of the work in the gardens and going to
market, which he thinks he's interested in, so he can save up.
Thinking and doing, being two different animals, of course. We'll see
how it feels to him once we begin. Right now it's planning, and he's
very interested in helping with that.

> He's restless, good..that means he's probably healed a lot. It's
> time to find new and interesting things to do. School doesn't solve
> any of that.

Exactly. School caused the damage that he had to heal from.

Thank you.
