[email protected]

What a great question! I think I had already done much healing before I had
ever even pondered homeschooling. I went through a period where it felt
right to write down goals and things I wanted to happen for myself and my
family. I guess it helped me feel 'in the moment' at that time. It took me awhile
to refine this statement, but eventually my favorite affirmation to write
was "My family learns in peace and joy". I would write it over and over and
feel very peaceful.

My preconceived ideas of how that statement would be fulfilled looked pretty
different than unschooling (had no ideas about that at all) but more like
happy, ideal schools. Then, as my oldest entered preschool, it fell way short
of that image in my head. I started looking into homeschooling, but it
didn't sit right with me either and my child was never going to do any sort of
"work" with me. I felt very confused.

Then one day, following the little rabbit trails of homeschooling links on
the web, I read about unschooling. EUREKA! The heavens parted and I swear I
could almost hear voices in my head shouting "this is it! do this!".

Well, it took a lot of courage, but I have never doubted that I am exactly
where I am supposed to be. I never quite know what to answer when people ask
me why I homeschool...I really want to say "because God made me do it".

Leslie in SC (Nick, 8 and Emmy, 4)

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