
I've just gotten a question about why someone's messages weren't getting through to the group. When you join, you are on moderation. I have recently deleted some posts that were reading like advertisement for a nutritional supplement.

When you have a post rejected it is returned to YOU with an explanation of why that post was rejected. I am posting this here on the list in case anyone has not gotten a "message rejected" email but that may mean you need to check your spam file or other areas of email because I always send an explanation on the rare occasion something doesn't make it to the list.

I will remind folks that if you are touting the benefit of a nutrional supplement (it's ok to mention what worked for you, not go on and on about it when you're a dealer of that supplement) as if it's a cure-all that isn't very helpful to folks looking for answers here.

I'm tired of people peddling "magic bullets" for autism, "explosive" kids/adults...heck, anything. There is NO magic bullet, there are many, many things that are more helpful and less helpful which often include diet and supplements but if you're writing about one thing that can change everyone's lives I'm going to have issues with that.

Especially when it's a very expensive item that works in a direct marketing manner. Don't peddle yourself here. Discuss unschooling.
