
Hi! I'm Laurie, have a 4 yo DS and my DD will be 2 in Feb (I also
have one on the way in March). I'm an ex-preschool teacher and an
ex-computer help desk person, along with several other career changes.

I'm really not sure how I even came across The Unschooling Handbook
but I'm in love with the ideas. I'm very interested in talking with
other moms who've US from the start of the "schooling" years and
particularly anyone with kids the same ages.

I've read The US Handbook and scoured the web for more info. I have a
couple books on my Cmas wish list at Amazon. If you were just
starting out again, which books would you say were "must reads"
(again, particularly interested in early childhood if possible)?

I find that our days are spent watching PBSkids, reading lots of
stories to DS (who will listen for hours) and playing with his Buzz
Lightyear toys & DD's babydolls. ;) Coming from teaching preschool
and going to unschooling is a step that I certainly want to take but
I'm not sure I've got the whole idea yet. Is this what other early
childhood families do during the day?
