[email protected]

In a message dated 10/27/2004 7:09:30 AM Central Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:
I say cut back more.
If you go "no mail", you're still a member, but you can choose to
ignore the list for several days if need be.
I just joined Anne's "shinewithunschooling" list this month but
found it WAY too busy for my life. I just went "no mail" there too.

The only lists I'm getting email from, are this one,
my "imaginationtribe" and my local list which is not very active.
I just can't keep my time online to a minimum any other way...as
much as I love chatting with everyone, the swirling, bubbly life
around me is far more important.

Yes, this is a good idea, Ren! Problem is deciding which list I'm getting
the most from, keeping that one and going on no mail w/the others :) It's hard
to CHOOSE...they are all so inspiring! And then there's the problem with
learning about 'new' lists that sound like ones I'd enjoy and/or learn from; like
the HSfor Kerry list someone recently mentioned (to feed my interest in
politics) and the one you just mentioned.... 'imaginationtribe'...hmmm, makes me
want to check this out, too).

I thin what draws me to these lists is that I can find and connect w/a
'like-minded community'...something severely lacking in my real life in somewhat
rural Louisiana.

But BALANCE...is a key and what I need to focus on right now ;)

Thanks for your advice!

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