[email protected]

In a message dated 10/14/2004 6:54:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
Genant2@... writes:

Learning to work with your weaknesses. Recognizing
them and being able to problem solve and be creative.<<<<

And when a parent feels a child is 'behind', she points out those
'weaknesses' and makes the child feel less than.

My children know instinctively what their weaknesses are. Great! I do too. I
won't balance my books to save my life. I avoid those things I struggle with.
I hire (or marry <g>) someone who can take up my slack. That way I have
more time to work on those things I excel at.

My husband knows squat about cars. He found a very good and trustworthy
mechanic. We have a great plumber too.

The way it should be! <g>


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