[email protected]

In a message dated 10/14/2004 8:33:06 PM Central Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:
But I think a parent who teaches a child that it doesnt matter if you
can't spell is doing them a dis-service. It does matter. Nor do I
think that spelling lessons per se are the answer necessarily. At the
moment the spelling coaching I am giving my daughter involves
self-conficence because I have noticed that her misspellings usually
involve the last couple of syllables of long words.

I find it fascinating that you have such a strong feeling about unschooling
parents 'using incorrect spelling and grammar' on these lists, while you
yourself have misspelled words and used incorrect grammar in nearly every single one
of _your_ replies in this thread!

In this post alone, it's 'doesn't,' 'disservice,' and self-confidence. You
sure seem very judgmental of others for something you're awfully guilty of
yourself. How ever are YOU being a good role model for YOUR children? <G>


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