Ren Allen

" I was
wondering if we could talk a bit about contingency plans. What are
options for taking care that our children can continue Unschooling if
something were to happen to us? "

I'm really lucky that way. I have a dh that completely supports
unschooling and has agreed the kids will never go to school unless
they choose it themselves. If I die, he will hire outside help
occasionally. His schedule allows him to be home a lot, so he would
have a way to make money and be with the kids most of the time.

If we both die, my sister in Alaska is an unschooler and her and my
bil have agreed to raise our children should that happen. She has
three children, so it would be a full house to be sure! But they are
financially sound and believe in gentle parenting and unschooling.

I don't know of a better back up plan than that! I do realize we are
extremely fortunate to have such a plan. It gives me a sense of calm
to know my children would retain their rights and their freedom
should something happen to us.
