Anne O

*** From: "sandy lubert" <slubert@...>
> Subject: Re: Creative Peeing
> The pee posts are cracking me up. We have 3 boys, and I have lots of
> pee stories (when Inspector Gadget came out my son would whip his
> penis out anywhere and yell, "Go go gadget HOSE" and then pee).
> Suggestion: put a bowl of cheerios on the back of the toilet. Tell
> him to put one in the toilet and aim for the center as he pees
> (target practise). It might just seem "fun" enough to lure him in
> when he has to go...***


We used to do this and my boys loved it. In fact, when Jake was little,
they sold flushable *Tinkle Targets* in one of the catalogs ~ small pieces
of floating paper w/targets on them...I think *Right Start.* He loved them!
But then someone told me about Cheerios and that was much cheaper! ;-)

~ Anne