[email protected]

"I still think that a lot of the
things about Waldorf and really nice and sweet...but I figure that I
can just sit back and knit a few gnomes and fairies and that will
make me happy. Life can be very challenging with two very active
boys...but we are having a blast. I look forward to learning more
about unschooling and basically just striving to provide and
envirionment for growth and contentment in our family. Thanks for

Welcome Wendy!
I think you have the right idea about Waldorf. It makes you happy, so YOU play with their ideas, rather than pushing them on your kids.:)
I used to be really drawn to the Waldorf ideas, but at some point realized there were some really lame parts to it, and I could recreate the cool parts at home. We never got there...my kids had other ideas.

And the paths they've led me down are far richer and more interesting than anything I could have thought up with the Waldorf philosophy.
