Danielle Conger

Hello All!

Robyn Coburn and I would like to announce the formation of a new yahoo
group--Always Unschooled--for the discussion of Radical Unschooling in
the Early Years. Go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AlwaysUnschooled/
to join. This is a place to talk about all those toddler issues and
unschooling your pre-school aged children whether you have older
unschooled children or are just starting your unschooling journey. Below
is the list description:

<<<Are you Unschooling small children? Do you find yourself ducking
questions about when your kids will start preschool, kindergarten or
telling people that you've already made the commitment to homeschool?
Come join us for a discussion of Unschooling in the early years!

As Unschooling becomes more widespread, the deliberate choice to
Unschool comes early as a way to fend off pressure for Head-Start,
Preschool and Pre-K
programs. Many mothers are emphatically resisting the push toward early
academics and choosing, instead to nurture freedom, joy, childhood and
natural learning, trusting that their children will learn all they
genuinely need to know-- the very foundations of Unschooling!

List owners are working to create a space in which Radical Unschooling
can be seriously discussed as it applies to young children. Although
secular in nature, we welcome unschoolers from all walks of life. Our
discussions focus on exploring topics like natural learning, respectful
parenting, joyful living, freedom and autonomy, living by principles,
single parent unschooling, convincing family, surviving panic and
criticism, living without fear, resisting enrollment, non-coercive
parenting, deschooling ourselves, and letting go of controls.

This is an on-topic list specifically dedicated to achieving a deeper
understanding of a Radical Unschooling lifestyle as it applies to young
children--topics that fall outside this description belong, please, on
more appropriate lists. This list is geared towards thoughtful
discussion and exploration of what Radical Unschooling looks like in the
early years, from toddlerhood to around age 8 or so. Experienced and new
Unschoolers can discuss how they made the transition from peaceful
parenting to Unschooling in daily practice, when that transition
occurred and what benefits children gain by Unschooling from the
beginning. >>>

We're very excited about creating a space where we can seriously discuss
Unschooling small children and the many, many benefits children gain
from being Always Unschooled. We hope you'll join us!

