Joan Labbe & Salvatore Genovese

Based on the recommendation in Valerie's book, I just read the book that
inspired her and I highly recommend it for anyone at any point in their
unschooling journey. It's "Summerhill A Radical Approach to Child Rearing"
by A.S. Neill who's own history as a school misfit is fascinating and who
founded an alternative school in 1921 in England based on giving children
Freedom - the book is all about his observations and beliefs in how to best
help children grow up to be happy human beings.

It was published in 1960 (I got it from the library) and I am blown away by
where this man was at on so many issues like feeding babies on demand and
co-sleeping at this time. There is much fascinating and challenging in our
views of children in this book. I'm so glad I read it.

Thanks for talking about it in your book, Valerie...

Joan (reading a lot lately)

"I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than
live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it." ... Harry
Emerson Fosdick