[email protected]

This is an old thread but having just returned from 2004 Live and
Learn, I just wanted to bring it up again. . . .

Tina writes (on June 16th):

<<<<< My son, Adrian, is 10. He has always been like this. He's much
more content to play by himself or with one or two other friends.
That's about it. It took my until this year to figure out the whole
one or two friend thing. It's just his personality. He told me just a
couple of weeks ago that he does not like parties. I don't know why
I didn't figure it out sooner, but the signs were there. At least
he's in tune with himself enough to know. Large groups of people
just stress him out.

My advice is to not fret over it. Let your son lead the way. He
knows where his comfort level is. It used to really bother me that
Adrian wasn't more active in groups, but it's just not his bag. I'm
okay with that now. I should have learned from myself. Once I paid
attention I realized that I'm very similar to his personality, just
not quite as extreme. BUT, I don't like parties either... >>>>>

The part that jumped out at me was this:

<<<<< At least he's in tune with himself enough to know. >>>>>

This is the beauty of unschooling. Here is a 10yo who is in tune
with himself enough to know.

He wouldn't be in tune if his Mom made his choices about
socializing, (or TV or math or chores . . . .)

Lucky kid - that. In tune with himself at 10.

who hates to admit how old she was before she even realized how much
NOT being in tune with herself was affecting her relationships