[email protected]

Thanks for bringing up the question about Santa and such. My gut is telling
me not to lie to my son. My stepson believes in Santa and the tooth fairy,
fairies, and various other things that I don't. I certainly don't plan to burst
his bubble because that was a choice his parents made (including my DH).
Related to the fairies, I just tell him that everyone believes different things
and that is ok. I don't have a problem with him believing in fairies. I've
never seen God and I still believe he/she exists, so who am I to tell him he
can't believe in fairies just because I've never seen one! :)

Anyway... my son is under 2 and I think that stepson will find out about
Santa by the time we have to actually discuss the topic with DS so it shouldn't be
a problem. How do you all handle relatives who talk about Santa? My parents
won't be a problem. They know I'm sort of "different" (heehee) but DH's
family won't get it. We were thinking we would just ignore it and stick with the
there-is-no-Santa thing in our own home. Just tell him that Grandpa likes to
pretend Santa is real, or something like that.


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