pam sorooshian

This new list is a place to exchange stories from our unschooling
lives. Describe how your child learned to read without a curriculum.
Tell us anecdotes of how your child made unexpected connections. How
does your child learn math through play and everyday activities?

Unschooling is "not schooling." This list is for stories of how
unschooling works. We'll learn from each other by sharing experiences
and observations. It is not a discussion list, not a debate list, and
not really even a "support" or "advice" list.

The lis owner will suggest topics, but any unschooling anecdote is
always welcome. All posts will go first to the list owner for approval.
The format of this list is somewhat reminiscent of a magazine, with the
list owner playing the role of editor. But, posts do not not need to be
"formal" - brief anecdotes are as welcome as more lengthy stories.

Welcome ----

Pam Sorooshian
UnschoolingStories List Owner