Millie Rosa

I was in bed for practically my whole pg w Will, and I read about a novel a day during that time (though I probably haven't read 3 in the 2.5 years since his birth), and I can reccommend many good reads. Some favorites: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, by Betty Smith, which has a silly nursing story, but I loved this book and also Joy in the Morning by the same author; Vanity Fair, by Sinclair Lewis, Delta Wedding, by Eudora Welty, The Cider House Rules and The World According to Garp, by John Irving, She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb, The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe, as well as ALL of his novels were excellent...The Bonfire of the Vanities, can't seem to remember the title of the one I liked best. Also, if you haven't read Tom Robbins, he is awesome; check out Still Life With Woodpecker and Skinny Legs and All.
And then there was Steinbeck; I think I read everything he wrote and I thoroughly enjoyed them Grapes of Wrath, Pastures of Heaven, oooh there are SO MANY excellent books by John Steinbeck. OH YEAH and I also recommend Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver. That's a lot of great reads...hth!


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