[email protected]

There is a book called, "Trust Us, We're Experts" and this was published in
one of the book's reviews:

"From Publishers Weekly
Recent surveys show that "national experts" are the third most trusted type
of public figure (after Supreme Court justices and schoolteachers). "

Scary, huh?


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Sylvia Toyama

And on that same vein (schoolteachers being trusted) I read an article in today in which someone interviewed Laura Bush. She talked at length about her years as a teacher and librarian, and her views on limiting TV for kids.

The statement that bothered me most, tho, was "Children have to be taught to read; it isn't something you learn automatically."

It was also very telling was this, "My mother said she knew I'd be a teacher when she heard me scolding my dolls for not paying attention."

Okay.. so kids must be scolded to pay attention, and must be taught to read, because they can't be trusted to learn it on their own. So how does that explain all the folks like me (and Gary) who learned to read at age 4 without being taught by anyone.


"From Publishers Weekly
Recent surveys show that "national experts" are the third most trusted type
of public figure (after Supreme Court justices and schoolteachers). "

Scary, huh?

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