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Thank you for the link I am going to check it out, but the words to the song.....LOL.....i had to laugh, I am going to show hubby too.
and on the "weirdness", I can see how that can be seen as weird, but I think its awesome, wonderful, and I hope my kids turn out "weird".......LOL.......I want them to think outside the box, I want them to have the self esteem to do what they want, not what the crowd wants or thinks they should do. And I think they are well on their way. I hope.
But yeah, I get that he doesn't want us to "screw them up". I respect that, and it's a valid concern. But I think as time goes on he will see more and more, and he has seen a lot , and he knows they are doing great.
But that fear just creeps up every now and again!
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