
"He isn't speaking many words yet and has a limited vocabulary . He
hasn't put words togetther to make a sentence. Nancy"

What is his age?
I would research exactly what that kind of therapy offers and do it myself at home....or WAIT.
The "specialists" often cause more harm than good, and you're opening yourself up to pressure for putting him in school. It's beyond me why anyone thinks school is a good place for children with challenges, but I've seen parents' courage shrink from that pressure and do a lot of damage.
There are so few things I would seek out an "expert" or therapy over.

Did you know that Einstein didn't really talk much until he was four or five? I'd get the child's hearing checked before I did anything else and then look into ways to help them at home if they really do have a challenge.
If you're child is young (2,3, 4ish) I think wait-and-see is the best approach.


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