

I would like to find four other people who are registered
homeschoolers to participate with me in discounted online courses
through lynda.com.

At lynda.com you can take well-regarded, online courses in the latest
web design, audio and video related software and techniques
(everything from Photoshop to podcasting). You can go the site and
view sample video lessons, if you like.

Here is a short article about lynda.com, incase you have not heard of it:

Their Educator's Resource page reads:
Discounted Student Enrollment Program. This exciting offer allows you
to select up to 5 of our Online Training Library® titles to make
available to your students over a predefined term that you schedule,
all for a dramatically reduced one-time fee that's pro-rated at $10.00
per month. What's more, if ten or more of your students take advantage
of the service, you receive complimentary access to our entire Online
Training Library® at our "Premium" membership level for the term of
your students' enrollment.

I have been in contact with them and we need at least five people to
sign up for this, who have some proof of homeschooling status or any
kind of educator/student status, I believe.

If we found a group of people that were interested, we could try it
for a month and see how it goes.

Please reply to me directly, if you are interested.

I think I am going to get the standard month subscription for $25, if
I cannot find enough people to participate.

Talia (unschooling in Louisiana)