Lisa O

Thanks, ya'll, for the feedback. Today was day #1 with my cousin's
dtr. Lucky for me, I developed a sinus infection (overnight), have
newly developed cysts on my ovaries which prevent me from walking
without being on my tiptoes, and am in the midst of my monthly
cycle. (Don't pity me, I did this to myself ;)

Lucky for her, I am more patient when I am sick.

Her temperment is SOOOO different from my kids', I do have a hard
time understanding how to handle it. Thanks for the insight that it
may be 'sensitivity' rather than a deliberate attempt to be
difficult. That's what I felt today when for the 27th time she
didn't like the way I did something. Not ONE thing pleased her from
the time she awoke. And considering how bend-over-backward-nice I am
to my kids, when I can be, nonstop complaints work on me.

Well, despite the fact she had 3 minor tantrums (5 sec of screaming
and kicking something) and 3 major tantrums (5 min+ of screaming,
kicking, and running to throw herself on the bed), today went better
than last visit. Only by how I handled things. I didn't take things
personally, and I stayed out of her way, only intervening if I heard
bickering that lasted more than a few seconds. Only 2 of the
tantrums was I present for, and my 'no' was the cause-of. The
tantrums are not my main concern. The lying and deceitful behavior
troubles me. I've caught her in 4 blatant lies in 2 days. I honestly
have lost trust in her words, as well as her intentions. That's what
I struggle with most, though I didn't put my finger on it until now.
Deceit and disregard for others are both hot-buttons for me, and she
does both.

But HOW you instill honesty and can't be done in 3
days by someone else. (A to Q:her mom is so blessed honest and
courteous...her dad, well, father, like daughter.)

I'll try her mom's suggested 1-2-3-timeout method tomorrow. And
after discussing the day with my cousin, she asked her husband to
call tomorrow to check on things during his lunch break. If she's
having the same kind-of day, they'll make other arrangements for the
remainder of the week (he'll take off work to watch her.)It doesn't
fix the problem HERE, but I really don't know if it's a problem that
I can fix no matter how long she stays.

Thanks again, guys, for discussing this subject with me. Your
perspectives help a bundle, and just talking about it helps me find
solutions sometimes.

:)Lisa O