Vijay Berry Owens

Hi all.

My name is Vijay Berry Owens. I am a 32 y.o. SAHM to one daughter,
Charlotte, who is 14 months old. My husband Charles is also 32. He works
at Best Buy during the day and is a jazz musician (tenor sax) at
night. :-)

In between diaper changes, I am starting a nonprofit group which is a
wonderful challenge.

We live in rural central VA on 100 acres. We recently (March) moved here
from NYC, so we are still adjusting to country life. We love it here
though. It's going to be a great place to unschool. DH and I joke that
when Charlotte asks for a pony we'll just say okay. Not the answer she
would have gotten had we stayed in our 1-bedroom in NYC!

If there's anything else you want to know about me, please feel free to
ask. I am usually running on fumes, so I apologize in advance if any of
my posts are nonsensical. I'm going to provide some unintentional
amusement with my typos I'm sure.

I recognize some of the names I see here from and I look
forward to learning from all of you.

Best wishes,

-Vijay Berry Owens
SAHM to Charlotte, 14 months