
Hi, I'm Sarah. I live in Michigan with my dh of 13 years, Tracy. We
have three great kids who have never been to school, Connor(8) Kenyon
(5) and Molly(almost 2). I learned about homeschooling when Connor
was 2. I started reading everything I could on the various
homeschooling philosophies, and we have been mostly eclectic/relaxed
in our life/learning styles - with brief periods of structure as I
learn to let go of my "Teacher Mom" tendencies. Luckily Connor is
the only one who has ever had to deal with Teacher Mom, and since I
banished her a few months ago we're both recovering very nicely :o)
and calling ourselves "unschoolers" for the first time.

Lately we've been enjoying warm weather and watching the "greening"
of our property. We've adopted a big fat toad and set him up in a
terrarium in the living room. The boys enjoy finding bugs for him to
eat. The boys are also hooked on playing Spyro on their GameBoys and
Zoombinis on our PC. Connor got a great word search book for his
birthday a few weeks ago so he's been having great fun with that
also. Kenyon is a digger-we have holes all over our yard. Muddy days
are especially fun around here. And Molly is very busy learning lots
of new words and also honing her motor skills as she circumvents all
of our "toddler-proofing".

I look forward to talking and learning with everyone on the list!