
My name is Sue and I have an 11yr old ds. We live in
Perth, Western Australia.
I have been having a great time for the last couple of weeks reading
all the great posts and checking out the sites recommended by you
guys. Unschooling both in lifestyle and schooling is the way I want
my life to go,especially after all that I have seen. In a lot of
things I have a long way to go I know coz I still find my self saying
and doing things I could kick myself for afterwards, but I guess we
all have to start somewhere.
The advice I need help with is how do I explain that my son is
progressing in recquired(by the education department not me) fields.
I got a letter from them to say they need to make another
evaluation as they are not satisfied with his literacy,numeracy and
behaviour. I have only had him out of school since September last
year btw.
He reads what he needs to and asks for help with things if he wants
to know and personally I am fine with that, for example he got given
an old typewriter and tonite has been typing peoples names and typed
me a little letter.
Behaviour wise he will improve eventually but it will take time is
my thought and gut feeling and maths I am sure he is doing somewhere
in there but I am not sure how to show those two things.
So after all that rambling on I guess my question is to those of
you who are more experienced in all this than me if you have any
suggestions to help me I would greatly appreciate it.
Oh btw we did try the school at home method to start with and it
definitly doesn"t work well with my son unless people love listening
to a mother and son yell at each fun for him or me lol.
Anyway thanks for reading my long intro and hope to talk with you
all soon,
