[email protected]

I have been reading all the posts. Thinking about what everyone has been
saying. I can feel that beyond "unschooling" the list is about growth,
learning,etc. in general, as some have said it is. It is a way of life
like spirituality has been for me. The two seem interchangeable in some
respects. To me they are both about thought forms/ideas, the feelings
that come from them, and how we act out these feelings/emote them. It
seems for me it is never ending and then I remember spirituality is
similar to this. That we are here to learn. Learning is on every level
and never ending. I can see that I have been drawn to unschooling
because of my journey thus far. I have always been learning, stepping
outside the box, coloring outside the lines, expanding, growing, and
learning. When I first heard about unschooling it scared me just like
when I first heard about Reiki and then got attunements. When I realized
again that "I" was more than what I had previously thought. It was
something "different" and thus outside my usual way of thinking,
feeling, doing. When I look back on my life, I see this has always been
my direction. It took a lot of courage on my part. Sometimes we get
emotionally injured over our beliefs, sometimes worse. I am reminded how
important it is to have compassion for myself and others. How as I have
evolved, I didn't "know" and others were at times, frustrated with me,
and at times, they acted out these frustrations. I am so grateful for
lists like these and the strangers who were the wind beneath my wings
that enabled me to soar and learn. How precious this is. What a gift.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]