

for all of you who have weblogs and websites where you have posted
mailinglists from other parts of the world – maybe you want to add
the first German mailinglist about unschooling (unless there are some
I didn't know of! I searched though). Or if you encounter Germans who
ask about local groups or such... here it is:

I'm thrilled that already 3 people have signed in :-D yay! I hope
nobody of them expects me to be an expert, but I guess not,
unschooling isn't about experts anyway.

"Unerzogen" means something like "uneducated" or "unupbrought" in
German and is what people say to each other when they talk about Kids
who are "ill bred". It's meant ironically, but sounds really good in
German (I think :-) ) hard to explain :-) I didn't want to use
"unschooling", because it's not really possible in Germany (although
I wrote about it in the description), and because I find it's not
only about school anyway... but liked the "un-" about it; and here
the general term for the upbringing of a child is "Erziehung" (which
is actually funny, it comes from "ziehen", which is pulling – so
parents are pulling their children to be adults), and erzogen is like
the past participle :-)
