Krisula Moyer

-----Original Message-----
From: pam sorooshian <pamsoroosh@...>
Subject: Re: wanting to go to school

Krisula --

Don't you think she'll change her mind again when she the reality hits
that you're taking the other kids to the beach with friends while she's
at school <G>? What grade would she be in?


Well, it'll have to be some other thing. The beach doesn't have much draw
for Syd at the moment. She hasn't had any of her friends come with us very
often lately. It may be that she's kind of "in between" friends right now
and school seems to her like a place she could belong and make more. Her
girl scout troop is off for the summer as is gymnastics etc. so maybe she's

She would technically be going into 4th but I would think 3rd would be a
better fit. It annoys me that I even have an opinion on that. ;b