[email protected]


Your new babe sounds a lot like my DS. I don't have your experience with
daughters as DS is my first, but he was definitely an in-arms kind of kid. He
nursed all the time (still nurses about 3-5 times a day), slept in our bed
(still does at 17 months) and has always been high needs. Get a sling if you don't
have one already. That would be my main advice to you! It was a life saver.


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jesika hare

hi~ im jesika. my hubby mike and i have a 9m boy named
echo. i m very new to all this, but i do know that i
was planning on homeschooling echo- no public school!
i didnt even know there was such a thing as
unschooling until recently. i found out about a
discussion here in austin for plans for a commune-ish
place based on unschooling. so we will be in limbo
soon so i thought i'd check it out..... somehow i
ended up here...so i am very interested in learning
from everyone...thanks~ jesika

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Jon and Rue Kream

Hi Jesika - Welcome to the list. My kids have a penpal named Echo. It's one
of our favorite names :0). ~Rue

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