Mother Earth (Tyra)

I have read Buddha Mom and feel it is a must read. I was once a natural childbirth educator and I promoted this book to every mother who took my class. I just recommended it to another new mom just the other day who is getting deeper into her spirituality. I tell people that it is not a book just for those who study and practice, Buddhism. It is a book with Universal principles that a mother can use not matter what her spiritual path may or may not look like. You cannot go wrong with Buddha Mom! Let me know if you read it. I would love to hear your perspective.

----- Original Message -----
From: Lesa McMahon-Lowe
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 6:50 AM
Subject: Re: [unschoolingbasics] passions, control, and spirituality

I came across this book while surfing blogs. It looks like a great book.
Has anyone here read it?

Buddha Mom: The Path of Mindful Mothering

LIFE Academy


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Lesa McMahon-Lowe

Thanks for the input, Tyra. I think I'll have to read it... even though I
am a Christian, I have no issues with taking spirituality and universal
principles from any "religion" (um... I'm not religious... I am very
spiritual). The book looks to help bring peace to our spirit... and I'm all
for that no matter what path it takes. :)

LIFE Academy

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