[email protected]

Hiya all! Ive been putting off sharing for awhile cause well i just dont
get around to it! With all the discussions though I wanted to throw out a
veiwpoint to those that give great tips and tricks and advice day after day year
after year that I GOT IT lol!!!

I have 2 children Bethany is 8 almost 9 and has complete motor apraxia with
secondary unspecified encephalophy (which I never spell right lol). What
all that means in human terms is that she "loses" stuff in her brain, today she
may be able to read simple sentences tomorrow it may be lost. Her brain
also sometimes forgets (nice words lol) to tell her feet to move so she falls.
Overall its just frustrating for her nothing horrible, Anyhow she did 3
yes 3 yrs of prek to get her therapies... then kindergarten then half of first
grade. My son is 7 and he is just a typical high energy boy he did 1 yr of
prek and half of kindergarten.

We didn't send the kids back after Christmas break 2004. At first we did
ack school at home everyday rigid rigid rigid...... Bethany got worse I cried
all the time thinking omg I pulled her because the school wanted her in
special ed and im making her even worse..... Jacob just did what Jacob does
slammed the books and said you cant make me.... Bethy though wanted to please so
she would give herself migraines and just have melt downs. About a mnth of
this and I was researching big time and found unschooling and this loop. I
for a yr and half have read read read and sometimes asked questions. We have
no real limits we have space boundries but sat down ahead of time and said
ok Mom gets cranky late afternoon what can we do I can go to my room since
its my issue.... they agreed no they want to be able to see me easily (my room
is what should be the attic) so at MY cranky time they either watch movies
or play or lie on the floor right by me and look through books but they
daily give me my cranky time. Daddy works long hrs and odd hrs so we have what
we call a sleeproom it has a double bed bunkbed with twin on top and a twin
in there plus a tv and vcr that's the quiet zone downstairs anyone at
anytime can go in there for sleep or quiet (keep in mind we have a tiny house 2
real bedrooms and the upstairs space which is the catch all master bedroom)
the other room downstairs is the play room.... there is no door on that room
right now and that our rockin room if you go in there you respect that it
can be loud messy and way fun!June will be our yr anniversary of officially
unschooling and in this year we have DONE NOTHING not a thing that anyone
looking in would consider schoolish we play all day everyday house, dolls,
barbies, rescue heros, hide and seek... Jacobs fave thing is to announce hey im
going to play with my imagination. Now that its nice they are outside from
sunup to sundown if they are watching tv and I think its nice out lol I go
outside 99.9% of the time they follow if I dont want to go out I dont expect
them to!

Bethany still has problems she still loses things and she still falls but
you know she smiles all the time and when she does lose stuff she shes mom
my brain just makes me crazy lol She recently after pushing my to rough house
more than I was comfortable with expressed you know sometimes I just get so
mad at my body that I just want to cry but cant always make myself... wow how
many adults dont get that???

Jacob without a doubt would be on meds hes just that kind of kid but if you
look past that constant motion and sometimes destructive curiousity you find
the most loving child if I may say so myself... he on his own now says mom
Im feeling like I need to run im going to go run around the house 10 times
count and time me!!! To cool!

Ok so now that I have gone on and on I hope you Oldies hehe get just how
much you offer and how you make the world of difference. If I didn't read
almost daily someone in someway says ITS OK TO PLAY id of course be thinking i
was a horrible mom to not have them reading etc etc!


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