Tonya Matthews

Hi Christina,

I read your post and saw a lot of familiar things. My son gets VERY
focused on one thing too. It's been Harry Potter, YuGiOh, Pokemon
lately but there's usually always something. I understand your
concern. We have SO many things to worry about as mothers but I
think this is one that if you can take a deep breath and let go,
it'd be a good one to do this for.

I can be a bit negative at times~ flaw I'm working on! But I try to
look at situations that seem pretty
tense/negative/worrysome/disasterous and say.. "what am I thankful
for?" This is a good situation to use this tool.

Also, doctors tend to come from very 'conventional' thinking and I'd
take your doctor's opinion with a grain of salt, if you can. He's
not realizing what a dynamic, amazing boy your son is FIRST, even if
his interests can be intense at times.

Just wanted to say I saw your post and it touched me and helped me,
yet again, to look at my son and see all the wonderful things about

Warm regards
Proud mama to
Christian 5-30-95
Rory 6-9-99
Alannah 6-18-03