[email protected]

From a discussion on this list...

**I tell my son that he has to do something else for a while then can go
back. I know this does go against unschooling but sometimes I really feel we need
to do something else.**

I'm really REALLY wondering why people seem compelled to give advice they
KNOW is anti-unschooling on this list?

The purpose of this list is to help people understand unschooling. How does
advice like this help anyone, reader or poster, to better understand
unschooling and move toward an unschooling life?

Please. Please. Don't post advice that "does go against unschooling" here.
Even if you post a disclaimer. There are THOUSANDS of places for folks to get
that sort of advice. This shouldn't be one of them. It's unfair to the members
who've come here looking for unschooling advice, and it's unfair to the
longtime unschooling advocates who will then feel compelled to not only spend time
posting unschooling compatible advice but also writing about why the "does go
against unschooling" advice is a bad idea.

It's okay if people personally decide to follow anti-unschooling practices in
their own families. I'm just asking folks not to promote practices that are
anti-unschooling here. That's not the purpose of this list.

Deborah in IL
Life, The Universe, and Everything

(my apologies to the list owners)