[email protected]

My stepson learned to tie his shoes this spring (he's 6.5). If you ask him,
he'll say I taught him, but I didn't really. I just talked him through it
everytime I tied his shoes for him. He watched and listened and went on his way.
One day he tried it and talked his way through it like I did and he got it!
I'd say, cross them over and pull one through and pull it tight. Make a
bunny ear, wrap the other around your fingers and pinch it between your finger and
thumb and then poke it through with your finger. Then pull it tight. all
while going through the motions. It worked for him without him feeling like he
had to tie them or that he should feel bad for not learning yet. He also
taught himself to ride a two wheel bike in a day (without training wheels ever).
I feel like he was just ready to do both so he did.


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