
<<<<he used to be an awesome speller>>>>>

I want to assure you that kids will naturally pick things up as they
find a need for it but the truth of the matter is that some people
are just not good spellers. My husband can't spell worth beans but
spell check works great for him and he makes a darn good living for
us and has an extremely high IQ so I don't think it has effected his
life in a negative way at all.

One of the things that I was really concerned about was my sons
grammar and it was the one thing that I would wake up in the middle
of the night worrying about, even though I never mentioned or pushed
it at all. He is now 13 and has wonderful spelling, punctuation,
and grammar!! He didn't learn it from me because I never gave him a
formal lesson but he picked it up from somewhere, namely unlimited
computer use and lots of reading.

How old is your son? Sometimes these fears arise out of fear of
what people will think of us if our kids are not "up to grade
level". He isn't in school so you need not worry if he is learning
at a different pace than someone else and you certainly don't need
to worry about spelling in a world with spell check.

My other son will be 11 this summer and is just beginning to read on
his own. I never worried because my sister's son was 11 or 12
before he learned how to read and you wouldn't be able to tell if he
learned to read at 6 or just recently. Every child is unique and
the more you let go the more you will see learning happening all on
its own. Take ten deep breaths................................

Heidi Snavley