
I took another picture of our ever growing Cockatiels but unlike other
times, I felt the pull to do a small comparison to children and their
natural growth...


And Growing, And Growing, And Growing

Wow, can you believe the change in these birds since my first pictures
a couple of weeks ago? I'm in complete and utter awe at this whole
experience thus far and especially how Nature has worked. Each bird is
developing at it's own pace, what would happen if I purposely pulled
on the feathers of the smalleset bird in order to bring out the
prettier ones so that it could be up to par with its siblings?
Certainly, I would be told that I was being cruel and inhumane, how
silly for you to try and make that other bird catch up! Yet, each day
millions of schooled children are told that because they are not up
with their peers that they are slow and/or behind. Its not just the
schools doing that either, many times, parents the whole world over
bereat their children for not being able to keep up with their peers,
some will make their children feel guilty, others will beat themselves
up as parents and others will do both.

Only in the school years do people forget that we humans are part of
nature too. All of a sudden we are plucking and pulling on their
feathers, trying deseperately to get them to be up to par with other
human children and making themselves and their children feel like
failures. Children need room to grow, we need to let go and relax and
enjoy seeing in which direction nature wants them to go and give them
the freedom to enjoy their own INDIVIDUAL developments and give them
what they need in order to do so. If children are allowed to develop
naturally, with a loving parent or guardian by their side, helping
them along the way when they ask for help, they will thrive...even if
they don't know or care to know the specific dates of war or how to
diagram a sentence.

Not everything is a tree, not everything is a flower, not everything
is a lake or ocean or weed or grass but all of these things are
important in our world and have a different function..and just like
the rest of nature....we people serve different functions as well.

[email protected]

>>I took another picture of our ever growing Cockatiels but unlike other times, I felt the pull to do a small comparison to children and their natural growth...>>

That is beautiful Sandy. A wonderful analogy with pictures to match! You should turn it into an article. For Life Learning magazine maybe?


"The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the
green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly
~Thich Nhat Hanh

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From: "aplan4life" <aplan4life@...>

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